Thursday, February 25, 2010

3 rounds

20 1 arm Snatch
30 KBS
40 Lunges

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More Thrusters


GHD Situps

Staci 12:30
Stacy 13:30

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Aaron is Back

I survived my break now I am back and ready to get after it.

10 Thrusters
25 KBS
10 Thrusters
25 Box Jumps
10 Thrusters
3 Laps
10 Thrusters
25 Burpees
10 Thrusters

Thrusters were heavy all around.

Chris 12:00
Tina 13:50
Stacy 15:30
Chris 15:50
Monica 16:28
Ann Marie 16:42
Inger 19:35
Ty 20:45
Franki 20:45

Friday, February 12, 2010

Clean Progression

Clean Pull
Hang Clean
Push Jerk
Front Squat
Push Press

5 reps

5 times

Really great work by everyone

Ann Marie

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Inaugural 5K

It is in the books. Our first 5K is over. Cold, Snow, a little ice, no problem for those that showed up. 20 total runners. 2 lbs of Bacon, More pancakes than I could count (blueberries, chocolate chips, etc.

Adam 21:27
Casey 22:46
Chris 22:46
Walt 23:00
Chris 24:45
Mark 25:42
Bridget 26:43
Mandy 27:37
Nora 27:46
Mary 28:00 For mile 18,19,and 20 of her long run
Vance 28:17
Maritt 28:44
Scott 29:08
Tina 30:56
Jack 34:36
Reggie 35:35
Cathy 35:35
Lori 42:00 4K no running for her

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Run in the morning

We will be running our 5 K in the morning. As crossfitters we have the ability to adjust to the unknown and the unknowable. So cold, snow, what everelse might come in the morning the run wil start at 10:00. I am sure we will have pancakes and Bacon. I believe there will also be Coffee but, I am not incharge of that.

Great week

As far as I can tell this was a record setting week for Crossfit Inverness and our Crossfit Community. We had 63 total attendees during the different workouts this week. It is amazing to watch all the work that is being done by everyone in the workouts. It is because of all of you that our program is growing and improving so quickly. Keep up the great work!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good workouts this week

So far this week we have had some good workouts and some great groups.

The 12:00 group has done Griff and Fight gone bad so it has been a great week to get out of bed for the noon workout.

In the morning. We have had a Tabata run, 250 meter rowing sprints, some lunges, burpee broad jumps and some other fun exercises I am forgetting.

We avoided the big snow storm last night so things are still looking good for the superbowl 5K 10:00 on Sunday