Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday's Workout

Today was a very hard and long workout, thanks to MC, Franki, Inger and Kendra for showing up for the punishment! Are you varying the types and lengths of your workouts? You want to try to have short, medium, long, heavy and light workouts in your routine. Speaking of routines, don't have one! Routines are the enemy; constantly vary what you are doing and you will be a far greater athlete!

Today's workout:

4 Rounds
12 Pull Ups
12 Box Jumps
12 Squat Clean to overhead anyway 65#/95#(Thruster, shoulder press, push press push jerk)
3 laps

1 comment:

  1. If you haven't been to one of Dilly's classes yet, you need to! He definitely "walks the talk" on the mix it up theme!
