Sunday, May 31, 2009

The last two workouts

Friday WOD 5-29-09
10 Burpees
1 Lap
20 Broadjumps
1 Lap
30 Push ups
1 Lap
40 Squats
1 Lap
30 Push Ups
1 Lap
20 Broad Jumps
1 Lap
10 Burpees

Saturday WOD 5-30-09
5 Round of
15 Hang Power Cleans
Use that bar and OH Walk the length of gym and back
Broadjump Half court
Lunge Back

Thursday, May 28, 2009

WOD 5-28-09

Buy In
30 Good Mornings

3 Rounds
3 Laps
12 Box Jumps

Cash Out
30 K2E

WOD 5-27-08

Buy In
Progression of Medicine Ball Clean Practice

5 Med Ball Cleans
10 Pull ups
15 KB Swings
20 Lunges

5 Rounds

Cash Out
30 K2E

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Do you have them? We need to ask ourselves on a regular basis what exactly we are looking for in our workouts. If your goal to get stronger, are you lifting heavy? If you goal is to become more fit, why did you miss that last workout? If your goal is to lose weight, what did you eat this week?

Acheiving your goals doesn't just happen. First you need to write down your goals and make yourself accountable. Bring in your goals and show them to me. Even if you will let yourself off the hook, I won't. Let's make a plan, talk about nutrition, and define the path. Fitness is an active pursuit. Make yourself a part of it.

WOD 5-27-09

5 Rounds
250 Row
10 Push Ups
20 Med ball Twists
10 Lunges each leg

Monday, May 25, 2009

WOD 5-25-09

Happy Memorial Day! Let us all remember why we are free and be sure to thank those who made it possible.

Box Jumps


3 Rounds
3 Laps
Max Pull-Ups to failure

Friday, May 22, 2009

WOD 5-22-09

10 Min AMRAP
5 Push Press
5 Back Squats


10 Min AMRAP
200 MTR Row
5 Burpees

Cash Out
500 Bicycle Crunches

WOD 5-21-08

10, 9, 8...1
1 Arm KB Swing (Each Arm)
1 Arm SDHP (Each Arm)
2 Laps

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Not Happy

Big workout today. Because of that we had no Buy in or Cash out,the workout was enough.

4 Rounds of
30 Wall Balls
20 KB Swings
10 Man Makers

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jackie came for a Visit

Today's workout was a benchmark. We did Jackie and I am sure everyone had a rip roaring time. Another exciting note to mention, Kevin a firefighter from Aurora, joined us for his first class. He did very well and we hope to see more of him from here on out.

1000 Meters Row
50 Thrusters
30 Pull Ups

4 Laps Overhead Walk across the gym and back.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The weekend has come and gone. It was the longest weekend and the shortest weekend of my life. All of our athletes did very well and pushed beyond their limits. Thanks to all who came out to cheer for the athletes from Inverness and everywhere else. Another special thanks to Franki and MC who volunteered their time all weekend and worked the event. Competing was hard but I am glad I had the experience. We will see what next year will bring, I am not sure if I will compete again but who knows.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Clean This

Two days left until the Regional CrossFit games. I am nervous, unsure, and excited. The weekend could end up at numerous destinations but I do know a few things for sure...

I am glad I signed up.
The weights will be too heavy and the workouts too hard, but I knew that going in to this thing.
I will see some amazing athletes.
This won't feel good.
The experience will stay with me a long time.
I will give it everything I have.

Power Cleans
KB Swings
Box Jumps

Cash Out
3 laps of Alligator walks

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tunes Anyone?

Please let me know what songs you want added to the playlist for class. I have unlimited downloading on my new ZUNE and just need to know what you want. Please try to keep the songs somewhat clean as to not offend Nora's delicate sensibilities.

By the Pool

We had our workout by the pool today. So fantastic! What a difference it makes to go outside and breath some fresh air. I will almost be disapointed when our floor is usable again. Speaking of the floor, we should be able to hold class in there once again on Friday.

We will be doing some workouts using the pool this summer! I will give you plenty of notice to bring your Speedo's for the workout.

Farmers Carry your weight to the Pool

100 Thrusters
On the minute every minute, 5 Sprawls. The workout is over when you have completed the thrusters.

Plank walk the width of the pool
Lunge the length
Plank walk the width
Lunge the length

Bear Crawl/ Crab Walk the perimiter

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1 Minute

Strong effort today from everyone! It was a fun workout, at least for me, and everyone pushed their limits.


1 Minute to get each round done, your rest is what remains in the minute.

5 Rounds
10 Wall Ball
Run the Gym and back
5 Rounds
10 Box Jumps
Run the Gym and back


5 Rounds
5 Pull Ups
5 Burpees
5 Rounds
10 KB Swings
3 Burpees

30 Knees to Elbows

Monday, May 11, 2009

Back At It

I am back from California and back to blogging. I wasn't able to get to any CF affiliates while away, but I had some sweating with the oldies at the WELK Resort. Good stuff.

Here is Monica's workout from today.
5 Rounds
10 Man Makers
10 Box Jumps
10 Pull ups
10 Lunges
10 Touches