Friday, February 27, 2009

What goes up...

Just incase you are wondering why I call her Drama...

It is amazing how different workouts get into your head. What does it for you? Is it an AMRAP? Is is heavy weight? Is it running? Is it rowing? What makes you start pissing and moaning from the very moment it is written on the board? Find out what that is, what you hate the most, what you would never pick yourself and do it over and over and over. Make it your B*tch! It will get easier, and then there will be something else to come along and take its place. So then we find out what that is and kill it as well.

Todays WOD
1 Pull-up
1 KB Swing
1 Burpee
2 Pull-ups
2 KB Swings
2 Burpees
3 Pull-ups
3 KB Swings
3 Burpees...and so on.
Get as high as you can in the 20 minutes.

Nora (Drama)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have a bad back...should I be Deadlifting?

The answer Larry, is a resounding...YES! Deadlifting is exactly what you should be doing if you have a weak back. It is the only way to get it stronger.
In the immortal words of Coach Glassman...from an actual conversation with a doctor...
Doc: Many of my patients shouldn’t be doing the deadlift.
Coach: Which ones are those, Doc?
Doc: Many are elderly, marginally ambulatory, and frail/feeble and osteoporotic.
Coach: Doc, would you let such a patient, let’s say an old woman, walk to the store to get cat food?
Doc: Sure, If the walk weren’t too far, I’d endorse it.
Coach: All right, suppose after walking home she came up to the front door and realized that her keys were in her pocket. Is she medically cleared to set the bag down, get her keys out of her pocket, unlock the door, pick the bag back up, and go in?
Doc: Of course, that’s essential activity.
Coach: As I see it the only difference between us is that I want to show her how to do this “essential activity” safely and soundly and you don’t.
Doc: I see where you’re going. Good point.
Coach: Doc, we haven’t scratched the surface.
Box Jumps
3 Rounds of
3 Laps
Max Pull-ups
Good work today.

Embrace the Suck

Dedication by Jon Gilson with

You think you know pain, but you have no idea. The heart thumping, chest expanding, lactic acid burn of your last workout was a walk through the meadow.

Somewhere, there’s a guy who did it in half the time it took you. He suffered. Plasma forced its way into his lungs, causing him to hack on repeat. He choked down bile halfway through, and ended on his back, pupils dilated to the size of dimes.

While you were walking around, telling your friends how hardcore your workout was, Guy Number Two was still collapsed, the prospect of driving home as daunting as climbing K2 during a snowstorm.

When he finally stood up, he didn’t say a word.

CrossFit is a decidedly masochistic pursuit. To be any good at it, you have to enjoy the pain. You have to push back the threshold day after day, until last year’s traumas feel like an hour-long rubdown at the Canyon Ranch. One day, you find a threshold that takes the whole thing just a little too far, and you get scared to go back.

The men and women that decimate your times are not superhuman. They’re not particularly genetically gifted. Hell, most of the top CrossFitters in the world would get absolutely pummeled in your standard game of rugby, buried by larger athletes begat by larger parents.

What differentiates these individuals is not a gift, but an unreasonable desire to push self-imposed suck beyond its logical limits. What comes out the other side becomes legendary.

Like any human pursuit, we seek ways around the hard part. Limited range of motion and new techniques. Dropping the deadlift from the top, bouncing it off the floor. Squatting above parallel and not standing up all the way. Chicken-necking above the chin-up bar, and reviewing the tape to see if we made it. We want the reward (speed) without the sacrifice (pain).

This is not conscious cowardice. It’s pure out-and-out rationalism. At some point, the next threshold is the one that takes it too far, leaving us in an exercise-induced hallucination that lasts a few moments too long. Our hearts bounce around our insides for one beat too many, and our lungs beg to explode for an unwanted extra second. Every exhalation coincides with a constriction of vision, and the cold taste of copper. No sane human being would enjoy such a feeling.

Still, the glory beckons. Surely, with enough training and the right supplements, there’s a way around the Hard Part. Enough sleep and enough vitamin B will get you the sub-whatever time without the attendant pain. There’s no need to redline your heart rate or pop capillaries. No need to ache so badly at night that you can’t sleep. Surely, there are ways around this. Fortunately, the steroids are a no-go, and the exercises are done correctly or not at all. The only way to legend is through ever-mounting piles of pain. The meadow has to tilt at 45-degrees, and the rubdown at the Ranch must be done with Brillo Pads. If you can talk, you’re not trying hard enough. If your nerves aren’t frayed and ready to rebel, you’ll never get there.

Do yourself a favor, and realize that there’s no technique in the world that will save you. There are no pills, no secrets, no passwords on the path to greatness. You’ve got to embrace the pain, push the threshold, and feel the suck, and then you’ve got to muster the courage to go back six times a week.

After all, the world is a lot brighter when your pupils are the size of dimes, and massaging your sternum with your heart starts to feel good after a while. The plasma finds its way out of your lungs, and eventually you’ll be able to drive.

Sometimes, lying on the floor is its own reward.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tour de Front Range

Think of the kittens...DON'T MISS YOUR WORKOUTS!

We had a great workout today at Inverness thanks to Front Range CrossFit.

3 Rounds of

15 Pull-ups

10 Front Squats

5 Push-Press


5 Rounds of

50 Double Unders

1 Lap

Welcome back from vacation Ross! I hope workouts like this keep you working hard when you are traveling. The effort everyone gave today was outstanding. Work like that is why I am a trainer. Thanks for giving me that today!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kettle Bell Fun

Photo by...Francesca Runco

3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21
Goblet Squat
KB Swings
1 Lap

We had fun with Kettle bells today. This workout should take no more than around 25 minutes. Pick a KB that will work but challenge yourself. We also talked more about diet today. It is really not as crazy as you think. Why not see what happens?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Is Monica Posting?

Here is Chris just before a good lock out at the top. One question...Does this man only own "wife beaters"? Maybe we could start a pool and buy him a CF shirt...what do you think?

So Monica said she was posting the blog today but I haven't seen it here goes. I will try to remember everyone.

5 Rounds of
40 Sit-ups

30 Push-ups

20 Box Jumps

10 Heavy Push Press









The workout looked pretty good even though I didn't partake. I want to remind everyone that we need to always focus on form before speed. If the form of the move is crap, then the speed of the workout doesn't mean anything. I am talking about FULL sit-ups all the way down and all the way up, FULL push-ups chest to the floor and arms locked out, FULL box jumps which means hips extended at the top...the list goes on and on. Do not cheat yourself out of full range of motion, it cheapens the workout. GO HARD!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Think about what you put in your Pie-Hole

Cool Picture by...Francesca Runco

My husband and I just got back from the CrossFit Nutrition certification in Montrose, CO. CrossFit Agoge was an excellent host and we truly enjoyed our weekend. Here are some thing I took away from my weekend that resonated with me greatly.

1.) Eat...Meat, veggies, nuts, seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar.

2.) Food is not your entertainment or friend...those people say they are bored with the same thing or don't know how or what to cook are probably just BORING people.

3.) We have decide to take our family completely Gluten free. The evidence supporting this decision is overwheleming and I would be happy to discuss this with anyone.

4.) Think about what you put in your body. If it doesn't make you FEEL BETTER, LOOK BETTER, OR PERFORM BETTER...why are you eating it?

Any questions you have about nutrition will be easily answered by going to and I always love to talk shop.

After the day of nutrition discussion we had an excellent workout. I came in absolute last!! Here is the way I look at that...only 9 men and 3 women ponied up for the workout...that was out of 60 "CrossFitters" attending the certification. I will always believe that DFL (Dead F*cking Last) is better than DNF (Did not Finish) which is better than DNS (Did not start).

5 Rounds


7 Dead Lift

7 Squat Clean

7 Push Jerk

400 mtr run

Friday, February 20, 2009

Be Beautiful

This is one of my favorite articles from Jon Gilson at Go check out their site for some great inspirational articles.

If I were feeling a little more lawless, I’d gather all the copies of Cosmo and Seventeen, douse them in kerosene, and strike a match. I’d throw in reams of print ads from Calvin Klein and watch with delight as Kate Moss’ stick-thin image was reduced to carbon. I’d add copies of Shape and Runner’s World until the flames reached toward the heavens, and then I’d crank call the editorial desk at Muscle and Fitness until they stopped publishing pictures of women on steroids..

I’d get the master tapes of America’s Next Top Model and dub over them with “Nasty Girls”, broadcasting the results on every television station in America. I’d skywrite “” across the Boston skyline, and gently admonish the hoards of long distance runners trotting along the Charles River—with a bullhorn.

I’d take every woman with mass media-induced ideals of beauty, and I’d show them what it really means to be beautiful.

Beautiful women are strong and powerful. They are athletes, capable of every feat under the sun. They have muscles, borne of hard work and sweat. They gauge their self-worth through accomplishments, not by the numbers on the bathroom scale. They understand that muscle weighs more than fat, and they love the fact that designer jeans don’t fit over their well-developed quads.

They know that high repetitions using light weights is a path to mediocrity, and “toning” is a complete and utter myth. They refuse to succumb to the marketers that prey on insecurity, leaving the pre-packaged diet dinners and fat-burning pills on the shelf to pass their expiration date.

Beautiful women train with intensity. The derive self-image from the quality of their work and their ability to excel. They don’t wear makeup to the gym, and they wouldn’t be caught dead with a vinyl pink dumbbell. They move iron, they do pull-ups, they jump, sprint, punch, and kick, and they use the elliptical machine—as a place to hang their jump rope.

They spend their weekends in sport, climbing walls, winning races, and running rivers. They laugh as they sprint circles around the unschooled, turning the image-obsessed into benchwarmers. Beautiful women don’t care if they’re soaked in sweat and covered in dirt, if their nails are chipped or their hair out of place. They care only about quality of life.

Beautiful women are happy, healthy, and strong, and they’re right there beside me, tossing conventional beauty on the ever-growing flames of what used to be.

Be beautiful.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Did you say Lunges?

Aaron doesn't look like he is enjoying these lunges as much as I had hoped!
For today's WOD we had a little fun in the gym.

20 min AMRAP
10 Push-ups

At random times I had groups of three do 20 Pull-ups twice. There was also a fun "Surprise" of 4 lengths of Crab walk at the 10 minute mark.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

7 Levels of...

Here is Erin with a good lock out at the top. We need to see your ears infront of your arms, traps engaged, and no bend in the elbows. Great job Erin!

Todays WOD...

7 Rounds of

7 Pull-ups
7 Thrusters
7 Ring Dips
7 Burpees
7 Sit-ups
7 Push-ups
49 Single Jumps

Chris 17:15
Michael 17:45
Bill 23:20
Nora 25:43
Jim 27:29 (6 rounds)
Erin 30:45

Great effort today everyone!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Athletes from Inverness

Here is Bill after a good workout which included Thrusters and Pull-ups but not actually our friend Fran. He is one of our athletes competing at the CrossFit Regional games in May.

CF Inverness has 9...count them 9 athletes competing at the games. HOW COOL IS THAT??? Let's use this tool as a way to track our progress, share ideas, and keep us honest with our training. Here are the registered athletes in no particular order...

Ross Winkleman
Bill Quillen
Chris Dozois
Michael Dozois
Shad Harsh
Chris Dillinger
Becky Harsh
Tina Massey
Monica Hingst

We would love to have everyone to come out and cheer on team Inverness!

Maybe this will work?

Hello CrossFit Inverness!!

Welcome to our new blog and our WOD posting. I will try to keep this as current as possible. Please let me know if you would like to see anything added.


50 Double Unders

5 Rounds
300 Row
20 Push-ups

50 Double Unders

Bill 20:13
Inger 21:20
Joe 23:33
Barb 23:40
Shannon 24:25 (sub 3 laps for row)

Class ended with 40 K2E or 20 V-ups