Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Small group today, got to love Spring Break!
3 Laps

Let's pull it together people.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Today we thought we would compare ourselves with other crossfitters.
We choose the WOD from front range.

10 Hang Power Cleans
20 Wall Ball

5 Rounds

We also had Derek grace us with his presence today!! He made a fine addition
to class!! Thanks Derek!

Friday, March 27, 2009

It's only 1 minute

How is it that 60 seconds can either be the longest minute of your life or the shortest? If it's one minute of pull-ups or one minute of rest...that's how!

1 minute of Work
1 minute of Rest
3 Rounds

Wall Ball
Pull ups
Kettle Bell Swings
Front and Back Thrusters

We had a huge class today. Thank you to everyone who came and nice job fitting everything into the room.

PS...I was told to name this one..."The Becky"
I don't know if I should be offended or flattered.

Talk about Quads

Sorry for not posting the workout yesterday. We were digging out!
2 rounds
1000 Row
50 Double Unders...no sub.
50 WallBalls

Thursday, March 26, 2009


So what is the one exercise that if it comes up in a workout you are screwed? For many athletes it is the OHS. This move is so technique driven it just doesn't matter how strong you are. If you do it wrong, there is no way that weight is staying above your head. Your core, I mean stomach and back here people (not abs), has to be rock solid. After a good session of OHSing if your "ABS" aren't sore, then you are not doing it right. If OHS is the one thing you never want to see in a workout you should absolutely be greasing the grove on that thing at least once a week. As they say..."Find what scares you and make it your B*tch."

5 Rounds of
5 Thrusters
10 OHS
2 Laps

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Landmines and Lawnmowers

It is always fun to throw in a new exercise that most have not seen before.

Today it was Landmines and Lawnmowers. (No, not like when you are dancing...) Two great, explosive moves that help with hip function. Your arms will fail long before the legs, so use those hips to their full potential.

3 Rounds of
1 minute stations with 15 seconds rest

Box Jumps
Plank Rows

Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday March 23rd

Again with "Where the Boys are!!!"

Not that I am complaining!! But would still like to see some ladies
represent!! It is not a bad view ladies!!


400 M RUN

Good times were had by all!!

Shannon is famous! This picture courtsey of the Denver Post. If you would like to check out the link, here it is (WFS) http://www.denverpost.com/fitness/ci_11967344
I am thinking of adding a 5pm class to the schedule for Mondays and Wednesdays. Would anyone be interested?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Use the Buddy System

Saturday morning is upon us. Why not get the day started with a workout? Better yet, why don't I make it easy on you and give you a partner for the workout? Fair enough! Here is the deal...

4 Laps on Track...Girl teams carry 25 lbs plate, Boys carry 45 lbs plate.
Lunges on each leg

One person is working while the other is resting.

Strong work everyone and thanks for making it to class. What was everyone elses excuse? Didn't we already cover those?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Don't start with me, I'm having a Bad day."

Well great, I guess that means we're doing lunges. No better way to cure a bad attitude than to sweat it out. Let it all go, give yourself up to the workout, put in everything you have and the day is sure to turn around. And if it doesn't...at least you got a hell of a workout!


20 minutes AMRAP

5 Push Press


15 Lunge steps


Plank walk the length of the gym and back x 2

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Boys are Back in Town

Nice shin Ross...next time try not to leave your DNA on the equipment.

Fun workout today at CFI. Mary Claire held her own with 7 boys in class today. It was great to see all of them out for a workout together. Who knows...maybe will all these full classes we will have to add some more. Let me know if there is a time or day you really want to add to the schedule and I will see what we can do.

Box Jumps
Wall Ball

3 x 250 meter Row SPRINT

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bring in the Paper

Here is Nick "praying" to the CrossFit gods.
We had a great workout today and may even get our 15 minutes of fame. The Denver Post was out today taking pictures of class for an article they are doing on CrossFit Inverness. I will let you all know when it will run.
21, 18, 12, 9
5 Pull-ups
3 Laps of the Gym Farmers Carry
400 meter Row with a partner holding a plank. If the plank falls, then 20 Burpees for both partners.

Monday, March 16, 2009

3-16-09 Monica's Workout

4 Rounds of

500 meter Row
30 Push-ups
30 Squats

I didn't partake, but I am getting a hard time from some followers about Monica not posting the workout...HINT, HINT. So unfortunately I can't give you any pearls of wisdom on this one. Either way...GO HARD!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

21 or Bust

Here is a workout that Brent came up with in his sick little mind. For some reason, last night at the bar, we thought it would be a good idea to do this Saturday morning after the morning class. This is just a friendly reminder...

Never assume something is a good idea if it comes up at the bar.

Here is the way this went down.

21 Deadlifts
10 Burpees

Once you pick up the bar, you cannot put it down during the reps. If you do, each rep you have not completed of deadlifts becomes a penalty of extra burpees. For example, if you completed 13 Deadlifts and then dropped the bar, you then have 10 Burpees PLUS the 8 you didn't do of Deadlifts. There is NO rest between the Deadlifts and Burpees.

Here is another bonus...the weight of the Deadlift goes UP each round.


Good Times

Sorry for not posting the workout yesterday. Some of us got to go have a couple of drinks (that was me) and were able to catch up with an old friend from Crossfit Inverness and I didn't get home untill after 9:30. If you know me, that is REALLY late. We had a great workout yesterday and Brent joined us. He is the reason CF Inverness is here today and he is the one who gave me the first drink of the Koolaid...so to speak. Welcome back Brent. I hope you find what you are looking for.


5 Rounds of

5 Heavy Push Jerks

10 Knees to Elbows

20 Double Unders


3 x 400 meter sprints or 3 x 500 meters on rower

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What is your excuse?

So...one person came to class today. I am going to try to not take that personally and put the blame where it should be.
Let's discuss excuses for not making your workout. Were you too busy? Did you not feel well? Were you too sore? Are you too old? Was it day light savings time? Did your kid do did this or that? Were you hungry? Were you too full? Did the dog eat your homework? Were you chicken?

One of my favorite people said it best the other day when a man was wondering around outside the CrossFit room. Basically he was trying to convince Monica that there was no way he could join the class. So right there, in the middle of box jumps/step ups, Michele said one sentence that stopped him cold. He was at class the next Monday with no excuses. If you are interested in what she said to end all the BS, ask her the story. We could all take a good look at ourselves and see what excuse we are using, and if it is worth it.

Today's WOD

In the Gym

5 Rounds

Broad Jump across

5 Burpees

Run back

15 sit ups

Run across

5 Burpees

Lunge back

The Chief

Each year in the United States Navy, a highly qualified and elite cadre of Sailors are selected and promoted to the join the ranks of Chief Petty Officer. Since 1893, "The Chiefs" have been relied upon by subordinates and superiors alike for their personal example, technical expertise and above all, their unique leadership capabilities. The workout we did on Wednesday is dedicated to those men and women.
"The Chief"
5 Rounds of
3 Power Cleans
6 Push- ups
9 Squats
3 minute rounds AMRAP
1 minute rest between rounds

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Row Row Row your Rower

We ran two sessions this morning due to the weather and roads this morning. Or, if you ask Erin, due to the idiots on the roads. When did people from Colorado forget how to drive in the snow?? Here is the workout...

100 meter Row
10 Wall ball
10 KB swings
10 Plank rows

10 Rounds


Saturday, March 7, 2009

For Dilly

So for some reason Chris didn't want to do "Jackie" again. I guess I can't blame him. There are many times I say I will NEVER do a workout again, and I am SURE I have never done the same workout two days in a row.

Wait...that is not true! Up until two years ago I came to the gym and every day and did the exact same workout. I would walk up to my flavor of the month hamster machine, trudge out 30 minutes, then move to the weight room where I would go down the row of push/pull devices banging out 3 sets of 12 reps on each and every one. I was done with my workout in no less then 2 hours...JOB WELL DONE, SEE YOU TOMORROW, SAME PLACE, SAME TIME, SAME WORKOUT. Funny, I couldn't figure out why I wasn't making progress... and then I found CrossFit.

It will never stop surprising me that I see the same people on the same treadmill EVERY DAY! They don't even mix up the one they are on...second row, third one in...heaven forbid someone else is on it. I have enven seen people wait for "their" treadmill when the one next to it is empty.

We need to wake up. Isn't that the definition of insanity, expecting a different result by doing the same thing? But then...who am I to judge...I am a Personal Trainer, and I just admitted to doing the same thing everyday just like the rest of them. Thankfully I found CrossFit when I did, and better yet, I am not afraid to tell everyone I know.
Medicine Ball Cleans
Pull ups
Box Jumps
5 minute class plank
Every time someone has to rest...5 Burpees

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The New Guy

You know what I love...The New Guy. They come to class because they have heard something or seen something that gets them thinking. Could this be for me? Am I fit enough? Will it be too hard? The answer to each of those questions is YES. It IS for the new guy, they ARE fit enough and it WILL be too hard.

The New Guys first day of class is always a tough one, no matter what the workout. As trainers we are also scared. Did we give them enough? Was it too much? Will they come back? Was it too hard? Are they hurt? The answer to those questions is MAYBE. It's a toss up. CrossFit is not for everyone.

But when the right one finds it...

How COOL is that? Give him a few classes and all of the sudden the New Guy stops "pacing", they stop asking if it is an hour class, never again do they say..."only three rounds?". A whole new world opens up and I love to see it though their eyes. It brings me back to when I was the new guy and I didn't know what to expect, or how hard to go, and if this was safe.

It is a journey to CrossFit and I am honored to be a part of it.
WOD 3-4-09
3 Laps
21 KB Swings
12 Pull-ups
3 Rounds
2000 Row

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Did you say Snatch?

How do you look after a workout? Are you lying on the floor, heaving by the water fountain, or resting nicely? Does the drama after workout or lack there of mean you worked hard or not? I think everyone handles it differently. A workout that would leave me on the floor in my own juices may not effect the next person that way at all. The important thing is that you gave everything you had...not what you looked like at the end. Here is Erin proving that point.

Todays WOD
20, 18, 16...2
DB Snatch
2 Laps between each

Monday, March 2, 2009

WOD 3-2-09

Warning...Becky is highjacking this blog...
Here is Monica after the 5 deadlift (185lbs) 10 burpees 5 rounds workout from last years games. If you notice the stopwatch, this is how she felt after 6:49. Strong!

Now back to Monica...

Monica does blog!!!!!!

10 Man Makers
10 Box Jumps
10 Pull-ups
10 Lunges
2 Laps


Today was a long a one!! Everyone toughed it out
mentally as well as physically!! I was so proud! We
had a first timer, Neil who did great!! Lets hope he