Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It has begun

The Challenge has started. I made it through day 1 with no Dairy. No Cheese on the Fajita, No milk with Breakfast, No Icecream for desert. Now it is time to workout.

How was your first day?


  1. Chris Close Day 1

    Passed through 2 Red Carpet Clubs (Denver-Chicago) and refrained from the handful of mini kit kat bars thrown in the briefcase. Instead I have fruit and Aaron's modified travel "Crossfit" workout in hotel fitness area. I am finding out that the sugar consumption is often the motivation to make it back into the gym (atonement of sugar sins)!

  2. My son came to sit next to me while eating a piece of Chocolate last night. I quickly gave him a kiss and said "Mommy has to go to the bathroom" and ran for the door. I sat in there rocking quietly until I was sure he was done eating. We then snuggled and I enjoyed the lasting aroma of the wait for it...

    Day 1...in the bag, (or bathroom...which ever works)
    Becky Harsh

  3. I'm just prayin' that honey doesn't count, cuz it sure made my hot tea taste good this morning! Other than that . . . this is HARD!

    BTW Aaron: I was born and raised in Wisconsin (ya know, the Dairyland State) and my extended family raised dairy cows (I actually spent my Saturdays "milking" -- by hand)! Dairy is not a vice, it's a food group. :)

  4. I just could not be a follower and give up sugar like everybody else.

    And lets face it everyone else gave up sugar because they did not want to stop drinking, I cant' get away with saying I won't drink and giving up sugar is too hard so I am boycoting the cows.

  5. Chris and I agreed as we crossed paths (well actually he was passing me -- no surprise there) on the track today that a leeettle sugar might have made our trek a bit easier. But, nooooooo, not me. Still clean.

  6. Chris Close

    In addition to no sugar I am not drinking either!!! But I never drink so even though I could have "cruised" by picking alcohol.....it would not have been much of a sacrifice, not to mention dishonest also.
    Did Bootcamp today and had 3 yogurts tonight while pretending it was ice cream:)

  7. There is no substitute for milk, sorry.

  8. http://www.fepale.org/lechesalud/documentos/Brian_Roy01.pdf

    Take this article concerning benefits of milk for what its worth. It is from the Pan-American Dairy Council and they may be a bit biased as to the benefit of milk!

  9. I am still sugar free, however I have no medical evidence to support this theory (it's over rated you know!)but I strained a groin muscle and I am sure that the lack of sugar had something to do with it!!!!!!!!

  10. Went to Duffeyroll Cafe for lunch today. Had a fabulous tuna/avocado sandwich. At Duffeyroll, they ALWAYS give you a miniature cinnamon roll. After smelling it and envisioning eating every single morsel of it, I closed up the bag, brought it to my next meeting, and gave it away to a friend. Who wants to join me at Duffeyroll on October 5th for a do-over?

    Yesterday I had a nasty head-ache that I'm sure some sugar would have instantly cured. Today I felt great and even noticed a decline in my obsession with missing diet green tea.

  11. I am still sugar-free but have most likely exhausted most if not all the current inventory of low-fat yogurt both in Arapahoe as well as Douglas County grocery stores. It really is starting to look like ice cream!!
    But in my sugar-deprived visions I also look 6'10" and chiseled out of granite:)

  12. "Accidentally" ingested 1 tsp sugar (looked up the recipe this morning) last evening in my guava mojito while out with the girls. Back on track today even though I'm going to the Rockies game. What?! No licorice at a baseball game; that's a bit crazy don't cha think? Interesting, that I, too, have found yogurt to be what best satisfies my sweet tooth. Are there yogurt vendors at Coors Field? Hey Chris, I would have have put you at only 6'6"! ;)

  13. Major carb craving and feeding day. No sugar . . . but heavy carbs. This can't be good. Where's the beef?

  14. This has put a whole new focus on my cravings and or addictions to sugar. I must confess that I am not at all happy being in servitude to much of anything..........least of all a food. I am considering the unthinkable which is extending the challenge (personally so please do not freak out) until I reach 30 days and have been told the "habit" (psychologically) of the food will be broken down and perhaps I can moderate it back where it belongs in the "occassional or event" food and not a "bedtime lullaby"
    I did Aaron's cardio chisel today without any pain from down under so I think I am mostly healed from the muscle pull.
