Wednesday, February 18, 2009

7 Levels of...

Here is Erin with a good lock out at the top. We need to see your ears infront of your arms, traps engaged, and no bend in the elbows. Great job Erin!

Todays WOD...

7 Rounds of

7 Pull-ups
7 Thrusters
7 Ring Dips
7 Burpees
7 Sit-ups
7 Push-ups
49 Single Jumps

Chris 17:15
Michael 17:45
Bill 23:20
Nora 25:43
Jim 27:29 (6 rounds)
Erin 30:45

Great effort today everyone!


  1. Pull-ups on a running clock. 11 Rounds. PR by 2 Rounds

    Then 3,3,3,3,3 Back Squats
    115#, 120#, 125#(2), 125#, 125#(1)

  2. 15 full rounds. 10 pull ups on the 16th round.

  3. No Kidding with the white shirt...what is that weight? Can't do more than a broom stick?

  4. 5000 meter row 18:52 I would have done thrusters as well but, some one had my broom stick.

  5. I had to work up to that broomstick by attending your spinning classes.

  6. This workout, named aptly " 7 Up-yours", was taken from a friends blog on the USS Dubuque. Less than enjoyable. Afterwards, as if that wasnt enough for me...
    Squat Cleans 7X1 155#, 175#, 185#, 190#, 195#, 205#F, 205#
