Monday, February 23, 2009

Is Monica Posting?

Here is Chris just before a good lock out at the top. One question...Does this man only own "wife beaters"? Maybe we could start a pool and buy him a CF shirt...what do you think?

So Monica said she was posting the blog today but I haven't seen it here goes. I will try to remember everyone.

5 Rounds of
40 Sit-ups

30 Push-ups

20 Box Jumps

10 Heavy Push Press









The workout looked pretty good even though I didn't partake. I want to remind everyone that we need to always focus on form before speed. If the form of the move is crap, then the speed of the workout doesn't mean anything. I am talking about FULL sit-ups all the way down and all the way up, FULL push-ups chest to the floor and arms locked out, FULL box jumps which means hips extended at the top...the list goes on and on. Do not cheat yourself out of full range of motion, it cheapens the workout. GO HARD!

1 comment:

  1. Main Site WOD
    Row 500M
    115# Push Press X 21
    Row 500M
    115# Push Press X 18
    Row 500M
    115# Push Press X 15
    Row 500M
    115# Push Press X 12

