Sunday, February 22, 2009

Think about what you put in your Pie-Hole

Cool Picture by...Francesca Runco

My husband and I just got back from the CrossFit Nutrition certification in Montrose, CO. CrossFit Agoge was an excellent host and we truly enjoyed our weekend. Here are some thing I took away from my weekend that resonated with me greatly.

1.) Eat...Meat, veggies, nuts, seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar.

2.) Food is not your entertainment or friend...those people say they are bored with the same thing or don't know how or what to cook are probably just BORING people.

3.) We have decide to take our family completely Gluten free. The evidence supporting this decision is overwheleming and I would be happy to discuss this with anyone.

4.) Think about what you put in your body. If it doesn't make you FEEL BETTER, LOOK BETTER, OR PERFORM BETTER...why are you eating it?

Any questions you have about nutrition will be easily answered by going to and I always love to talk shop.

After the day of nutrition discussion we had an excellent workout. I came in absolute last!! Here is the way I look at that...only 9 men and 3 women ponied up for the workout...that was out of 60 "CrossFitters" attending the certification. I will always believe that DFL (Dead F*cking Last) is better than DNF (Did not Finish) which is better than DNS (Did not start).

5 Rounds


7 Dead Lift

7 Squat Clean

7 Push Jerk

400 mtr run


  1. Gluten free= no beer=no thanks....

  2. Poor excuse Bill...Robb knows of numerous Gluten free beers he drinks on a regular bases. What else you got?
