Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Floor

Todays WOD's was the last one with the broken floor. Construction was started today on the fix, unfortunately we already have a problem and the fix will take longer than expected. I know...SHOCKING! Classes will still go as scheduled, we can work around this...after all, we are CrossFitters.

2 Rounds for time
Partner workout, the bar cannot touch the floor once time starts.
40 Front Squats
40 Push Press
200 Single Jumps


  1. Would a Spartan wait for a new floor? I don't think so He would head across town and aquire one with glass shards imbedded in it because it would be easier to color red that way.

  2. So I just found the blog. Yeah, I don't even have a facebook account either. But i read the March 23 entry that said something about a 5pm class on Monday and Wednesday. I was thinking just today that I wish there were evening cross fit classes. You should write that question on the white board in the workout room . . . .Inger
