Thursday, April 16, 2009

She's Baaaaaack

Laurie came back today and we were so excited to have her. Almost six months ago she completed a workout that scared the pants off of her and she hasn't been back since. She let the workout get the best of her, even though she finished it. Thanks for getting back in the mix again Laurie.

Never be afraid to ask if you can scale a workout or switch out an exercise. If you have a valid reason I will probably be reasonable. If not, it is unlikely. Although I never want to scare anyone or hurt anyone(mostly), it is my JOB to push you past what you perceive your limits to be. Know that I may say "NO, YOU CANNOT SCALE", but then again, maybe I have an off day and say..."WHY"?

Buy In 1000 Row

WOD 2 Rounds of
50 Wall Ball
50 Push ups

Cash out
1 Lap of lunges


  1. I will just have to remember not to ask.

    I did Danny JUNIOR today

    30 24" boxjumps
    20 95lb pushpress
    15 pullups

    times 4 21:30 It was supposed to be AMRAP 20 but I had to finish the 4th round.

  2. That wouldn't be "Junior" Danny, that's a "woman's" Danny.

  3. On second thought more like a young lady's version..

  4. Friday's WOD while Becky and the girls drove to Vail

    Run 400
    10 Box Jumps
    40 Pushups
    Run 400
    20 Box Jumps
    30 Pushups
    Run 400
    30 Box Jumps
    20 Pushups
    Run 400
    40 Box Jumps
    10 Pushups
    Run 400


  5. To Monica:
    "I'm not one of those gals who's afraid to tell her real age, and I like to kick!, stretch!, and KICK! I'm 50! 50 years old! 50 years old. Not afraid to hide my age, 50!"

  6. So i am a little concerned about Bills' workout yesterday. I think he must have caused that "Rahabdo" Disease in everyone cause nobody was able to make it to the gym this Saturday morning to workout. This is slightly understandable since there was snow on the ground but, some how there were more than 15 participants in the bootcamp class so i know the roads were somewhat passable. I hope you all enjoyed the non virtual shoveling workout I put toogether for those of you who could not make it into the gym.

  7. I did do the 100 inverted burpies since I was all alone.


  8. Angie today

    100 pullup
    100 push up
    100 sit up
    100 squat


    Hope all the girls had a blast in the mountains.
