Friday, October 2, 2009


You have probably never seen a group of Eight people having so much fun anywhere in your life before. Barbara was all she was advertised to be. You would not even tell your worst enemy that she has a good personality.

20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Sit ups
50 Squats

rest 3 minutes
repeat 5 times

Great Job Everyone!

Casey 29:55
Brian 31:40
Nora 36:20
Monica 44:57
Michelle 44:57
Tina 46:30
Aaron 47:42
MC 1:04: 47
Ann Marie 37:20 4 rounds

Some day I may be able to do Pushups.

I can't wait to hear about Red Robin next week.


  1. I was able to go by today and check Barbara out on my own without the inspirational insults from Aaron or the "word" from Nora and WOW!!!!!!!!Congrats to all of you on this olda bag. I now know the name of any future ex-wives!

    My time was 30:35 but did require the booster seat on the chin-ups after the first round.
    Also am waiting to hear how the gluttony session went over at Red Robin to celebrate the end of the challenge.

  2. Gonna give this one a shot tomorrow with a 40lb vest. My goal is to beat Tiny's time with the vest :)
