Saturday, March 7, 2009

For Dilly

So for some reason Chris didn't want to do "Jackie" again. I guess I can't blame him. There are many times I say I will NEVER do a workout again, and I am SURE I have never done the same workout two days in a row.

Wait...that is not true! Up until two years ago I came to the gym and every day and did the exact same workout. I would walk up to my flavor of the month hamster machine, trudge out 30 minutes, then move to the weight room where I would go down the row of push/pull devices banging out 3 sets of 12 reps on each and every one. I was done with my workout in no less then 2 hours...JOB WELL DONE, SEE YOU TOMORROW, SAME PLACE, SAME TIME, SAME WORKOUT. Funny, I couldn't figure out why I wasn't making progress... and then I found CrossFit.

It will never stop surprising me that I see the same people on the same treadmill EVERY DAY! They don't even mix up the one they are on...second row, third one in...heaven forbid someone else is on it. I have enven seen people wait for "their" treadmill when the one next to it is empty.

We need to wake up. Isn't that the definition of insanity, expecting a different result by doing the same thing? But then...who am I to judge...I am a Personal Trainer, and I just admitted to doing the same thing everyday just like the rest of them. Thankfully I found CrossFit when I did, and better yet, I am not afraid to tell everyone I know.
Medicine Ball Cleans
Pull ups
Box Jumps
5 minute class plank
Every time someone has to rest...5 Burpees


  1. Wow Becky, I am kind of floored. You hit that one on the spot ! I have heard that so many times the last week, (maybe I should change my workout but I've done the same thing for the last 2 years, I'm not really getting any results, but at least I am maintaining what I have ) . I'm not sure if they have really fooled themselves, or if they know they are feeding me a line of BS. So anyways it's nice to see it put so matter of fact !!

  2. We really need to get Monica to post ALL of her workouts !
