Saturday, March 14, 2009

21 or Bust

Here is a workout that Brent came up with in his sick little mind. For some reason, last night at the bar, we thought it would be a good idea to do this Saturday morning after the morning class. This is just a friendly reminder...

Never assume something is a good idea if it comes up at the bar.

Here is the way this went down.

21 Deadlifts
10 Burpees

Once you pick up the bar, you cannot put it down during the reps. If you do, each rep you have not completed of deadlifts becomes a penalty of extra burpees. For example, if you completed 13 Deadlifts and then dropped the bar, you then have 10 Burpees PLUS the 8 you didn't do of Deadlifts. There is NO rest between the Deadlifts and Burpees.

Here is another bonus...the weight of the Deadlift goes UP each round.


1 comment:

  1. John and I did that today... it was AWFUL!!! I don't know if THANKS Brent is what I would like to say. ARE YOU INSANE BRENT??? sounds more like it.
