Thursday, March 12, 2009

What is your excuse? person came to class today. I am going to try to not take that personally and put the blame where it should be.
Let's discuss excuses for not making your workout. Were you too busy? Did you not feel well? Were you too sore? Are you too old? Was it day light savings time? Did your kid do did this or that? Were you hungry? Were you too full? Did the dog eat your homework? Were you chicken?

One of my favorite people said it best the other day when a man was wondering around outside the CrossFit room. Basically he was trying to convince Monica that there was no way he could join the class. So right there, in the middle of box jumps/step ups, Michele said one sentence that stopped him cold. He was at class the next Monday with no excuses. If you are interested in what she said to end all the BS, ask her the story. We could all take a good look at ourselves and see what excuse we are using, and if it is worth it.

Today's WOD

In the Gym

5 Rounds

Broad Jump across

5 Burpees

Run back

15 sit ups

Run across

5 Burpees

Lunge back

1 comment:

  1. Back Squat 5x3

    200, 205, 210, 215, 225

    Work Performed
    13069.47 joules
    1332.69 kg-m
    9640.04 ft-lbs
