Monday, May 18, 2009

The weekend has come and gone. It was the longest weekend and the shortest weekend of my life. All of our athletes did very well and pushed beyond their limits. Thanks to all who came out to cheer for the athletes from Inverness and everywhere else. Another special thanks to Franki and MC who volunteered their time all weekend and worked the event. Competing was hard but I am glad I had the experience. We will see what next year will bring, I am not sure if I will compete again but who knows.


  1. Our girls rock. I so wish I could have been there to watch and cheer. Let the count down begin. Regional Crossfit games 364 days.

    GREAT JOB! Everyone that had the guts to compete.

  2. I second Zoern...

  3. All those in favor...

    And while I was so proud of all the Inverness athletes, I have to tell you that Michele, Nora, and I were all moved to tears and goosebumps watching "our girls" perservere in WOD #2, in particular. It was the all-out effort of those who were not bound for the victory stand that was so incredibly inspiring. Awesome!
