Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Challenge

Starting Monday September 21st Concluding October 4th That is 2 whole weeks! This could be tough.

The challenge:

Give up one of your vices for the 2 weeks. Substitute a positive action in place of your negative vice. For example No Sugar; So instead of having syrup on my pancakes for breakfast I will have 2 scrambled eggs and 6 strawberries. Or No Diet Coke, Drink water instead. I know you know what your vices are but, incase you are having trouble coming up with a suitable vice to give up here is a short list to help you come up with an idea for yourself.

Double Mocha latte frapichino substitute regular coffee
Alcohol Substitute water
Tobacco Substitute a trip up and down all the flights of stairs in your house or office building
Diet Soda Sub Water
Sugar sub Fruit and veggies
Sitting on your butt watching TV going to the park with the family

If your vice is something that costs money set up a cookie jar to collect the money you do not spend to have a fund to celebrate with at the end of the challenge. Do this it will give you a visual cue for making healthier choices for yourself. You could even end up making a donation to a worthy charity at the end of the challenge, Just so you know I consider myself worthy.

I think you get the idea!

To hold you accountable you will need to post your sacrifices and improved choices to the Crossfit Inverness Blog

I will be looking for daily updates in the comments section of the blog. As more incentive to take part in this challenge and to report on yourself the most consistent reporter will receive 2 complementry 1 on 1 personal training sessions wish me, I know you may not be able to tell if this is reward or punishment go for it any way.


  1. I am IN...........No sugar for the duration of the challenge. The biggest culprit will be to abstain from the kit kat bars in the Red Carpet Clubs that I am in and out of during travel around the US. I will grab more fruit and resist the temptation.


  2. I'm IN too! My vice is also sugar . . . no sugar for two weeks; I know I can do this! For me, this also means no sugar substitutes. Hardest thing to give up: Diet Green Tea! Gotta go . . . only a few more hours to indulge!

  3. I am in even if it is at DTC. No sugar for me either...that includes Chocolate. It is best if I am not at Inverness, as to not harm innocent bystanders. Aaron, don't think I won't make you train me. Becky Harsh

  4. Water is a poor substitute for alcohol.
